Friday, July 24, 2009

Hasta La Vista!

I haven't blogged in a very long time, what with the advent of summer, several camping trips, friends and parties, a reading spree and life otherwise taking precedence- this is also the first summer when I am not a child or student, but expected to work 10-6, five days a week...sigh. I've also been spending a chunk of my time planning a trip recently and several months of Spanish lessons, four visas, two immunizations, long waits in 'official' spaces and a bunch of hours of frenzied planning later, Tania and I are more or less ready to take off on a month-long trip in less than a week! For those of you who care, I'll put up the itinerary as it now stands and I'll try to touch base every once in a while when we are on the road.

Thurs, 30 July- Istanbul
Sun, 2 August- Sao Paulo
Wed, 5 Aug- Rio De Janeiro
Fri, 7 Aug- Lavras
Sat, 8 Aug- Belo Horizonte
Sun, 9 Aug, Brasilia
Wed, 12 Aug- San Ignacio
Thurs, 13 Aug- Santa Cruz
Sat, 15 Aug- La Paz
Tue, 18 Aug- Puno
Thurs, 20 Aug- Cuzco, Machu Picchu
[~] some days to make up for late buses, missed transfers, getting lost, and otherwise adding some time to breathe
Tue, 25 Aug- Lima
Fri, 28 Aug- Sao Paulo
And come September, its back to Moscow for me.

We touch Turkey for a bit before making our way through Brazil, Bolivia and half of Peru by road, before I fly back to Sao Paulo and then Moscow (and get back to work) and Tania spends another month traveling through Argentina and possibly Colombia before heading back through Brazil. (Those of you who might be feeling jealous of me, concentrate the evil thoughts and send them her way instead :P).



Hi! so glad to see you back in this space. your life is any carefree's woman's dream. have a great trip! will look forward to your tiny travelogues. bon voyage!

Vi said...

wish you cool cool travel!!! :)
route sounds great:)

cringe-all said...

will you radiocollar yourselves and attach the link here so that we can follow your progress as blue and red dots on the map? It could turn an angry purple if you are kidnapped.

Also your route doesn't seem to pass through much of the Amazon basin, so there won't be too many exotic fauna photos missed thanks to your predilection for photography.

And isn't Brasilia to San Ignacio (you should specify which one) too long a distance to do in one go?

Tista said...

Thanks guys :)

Kinjal, we will see enough, and whatever little we see is more than you will be seeing out of your office window :P And it's San Ignacio de Velasco, about 900 kms away. Yes, it will be quite a hike, but hopefully we'll get a night bus so we can sleep through most of it (except for the border control bit, grrr)